The year 2017 has ushered in a lot of change, and change can be hard. It can be uncomfortable, unsettling, and can bring a lot of uncertainty. Uncertainty of past choices, uncertainty of what we can do right now, and uncertainty of what the future will bring. Politics has always been a touchy subject, but lately, it seems more controversial than ever. Both sides have strong views of where the country is going and how to proceed on. On Friday, January 20th, a new president was sworn into office. Then, on Saturday, January 21st, millions of women and men around the world marched. Whether you were excited for the incoming president, or if he terries you, to see the world peacefully come together and stand up for what they believe in is an amazing sight. I, too, marched on that Saturday and I’ve never felt more proud to be black, to be a woman, and to live in this vibrant city.